Why a Spinal Cord Injury Can Be Life-Altering

Jeffrey R. Davis

Spinal cord injuries affect thousands of Americans each year, especially in accidents involving motor vehicles or where victims are struck by heavy objects and pieces of machinery. If this has happened to you here in Florida, you know how life-changing the recovery process can be. You may have constant pain, lose feeling in your limbs, lose bodily functions, or be unable to take care of yourself.  

If the injury-causing accident was not your fault, you have the right to bring a lawsuit against the negligent party. 

Consequences of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can be physically and mentally devastating. You may need around-the-clock assistance just to complete everyday tasks. Meanwhile, dealing with the resulting emotional stress often requires the help of support groups for spinal cord injury patients.

If you cannot work, your family could face financial challenges. A personal injury lawsuit award may help alleviate these worries. An attorney will handle all of the steps of filing a lawsuit.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Because the spinal cord has 31 segments, listing all the common types of spinal cord injuries could fill an entire book — and they have. According to the Cleveland Clinic, doctors make spinal cord injuries easier for patients to understand by breaking them down into two major categories: “incomplete” and “complete.”

With an incomplete injury, the victim retains some movement and nerve sensation below the injury location. A complete injury means the victim has no sensation or movement below the injury. People in the latter category may generally be entitled to a larger injury award.

Who Is Responsible for a Spinal Cord Injury?

Negligent drivers in car or motorcycle accidents are among the most common parties held liable in spinal cord injury cases, as are landlords and property owners who fail to repair sidewalks or stairs. Construction sites also see their fair share of such injuries, given the prevalence of dangerous equipment and falls from height.

Regardless of context, anyone who behaves in a reckless or negligent manner and causes an accident could be liable for your injuries. If your personal injury attorney can show that another party was responsible for the accident, you may pursue damages for your spine injury. Doing so without legal representation isn’t wise.

What Awards Are Available for Spinal Cord Injuries?

Because the causes and symptoms of these injuries are often serious, your treatment options may go on for years. Your financial award should consider your current hardships, along with an estimated value for any you’ll face in the future.

Potential awards include payments for medical bills, home health care and assistance, home and vehicle adaptations, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, or wrongful death.

Did You Suffer a Spinal Cord Injury? Contact Jeffrey R. Davis P.A. Today

If you are living with a spinal cord injury after an accident that someone else caused, consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. Miami car accident lawyer Jeffrey R. Davis P.A. is ready to help.

To learn more about your options, call (305) 577-3777 today for a free case review.

Client Reviews

Mr Davis is the finest personal injury attorney in the state of Florida. His intensive medical knowledge alone and how it relates to Florida law puts you in the hands of this highly skilled lawyer. Injury cases today more than ever need a fighter on your side and the...

David S.

Someone who truly cares! We had been dealing with a legal issue for over two years with another attorney, with no results. Jeff Davis stepped in, and has made more progress in a few months, than we had in over two years. He communicates absolutely everything with his...

Ashlie W.

Jeffrey is a very knowledgeable and competent attorney. When I spoke with Jeffrey the first time on the phone, he was professional and answered any questions I had. So if you are ever in need of an awesome personal injury attorney who has excellent communication skills...

Dr. Jared R.

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